I love the crisp clean air of the mountains, although I'm no mountain climber and I often feel a little intimidated when faced with a scramble or a wild camp. I do try to push myself out of my comfort zone when it comes to these environments.
Buachaille Etive Mor & Three Sisters ISO160 18mm f/16 1/40 sec handheld
Buachaille Etive Mor & Three Sisters ISO160 18mm f/16 1/40 sec handheld
The Atlas Mountains
The Atlas Mountains
Mist & little white cottage
Mist & little white cottage
Glencoe handheld ISO160 18mm f/13 1/18 sec
Glencoe handheld ISO160 18mm f/13 1/18 sec
A Stag Kings House handheld ISO1250 277mm f/6.3 1/400 sec
A Stag Kings House handheld ISO1250 277mm f/6.3 1/400 sec
The Atlas Mountains
The Atlas Mountains
The Atlas Mountains
The Atlas Mountains
Glencoe handheld ISO160 18mm f/13 1/7 sec
Glencoe handheld ISO160 18mm f/13 1/7 sec
The Atlas Mountains
The Atlas Mountains
River Coe at Loch Achtriochan ISO160, 18mm, f/11 1/4 sec
River Coe at Loch Achtriochan ISO160, 18mm, f/11 1/4 sec
River Coe, Clachaig ISO250 18mm f/11 1.3 sec
River Coe, Clachaig ISO250 18mm f/11 1.3 sec
River Coe, Clachaig ISO250 18mm f/11 1/13 sec
River Coe, Clachaig ISO250 18mm f/11 1/13 sec

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